Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hospital Rules!

Hospital rules!!!

I know you are been thinking of the same "visiting time" rules in the hospitals. My sister delivered baby last week. She was in a recognized hospital in chennai.

No I will not let the name out!

It has got the same rules like other hospitals. "Visitors Time". The visiting time was 4 pm to 7 pm. My sister delivered her baby around 3.30 pm. we were very happy and excited to see the baby. With the same anxiety I immediately called all my relatives and friends to share the wonderful news and they were also excited with the news.

We were given a visitor pass where one person is allowed to stay with the patient apart from caretaker. Mom stayed with my sister. I was given a visitor pass to go to the room.

Our relatives with the excitement started coming to hospital in non-visting hours, cant blame them too!. I managed to build good rapo with the lift operator, and so whenever I go out he never asks me for a pass. When our visitors come , i go down handover my visitor pass to them and i come back to the room. Each and every time when i had visitors coming in i did the same. At last there were about 7-10 people in our room.

Good those rules are imposed in hospitals considering the safety of the patient, but the same time advise them to be more strict in their rules to avoid people like me exploiting those rules. :)

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